
Manages a keystore (database) of cryptographic keys, X.509 certificate chains, and trusted certificates.


  1. How to create a certificate chain using keytool?
  2. keytool
  3. KeyStore
  4. JKS
  5. To Generate a Certificate by Using keytool


A KeyStore manages different types of entries. Each type of entry implements the KeyStore.Entry interface. Three basic KeyStore.Entry implementations are provided:

1. KeyStore.PrivateKeyEntry:

This type of entry holds a cryptographic PrivateKey, which is optionally stored in a protected format to prevent unauthorized access. It is also accompanied by a certificate chain for the corresponding public key.

Private keys and certificate chains are used by a given entity for self-authentication. Applications for this authentication include software distribution organizations which sign JAR files as part of releasing and/or licensing software.

Constructs a PrivateKeyEntry with a PrivateKey and corresponding certificate chain.

2. KeyStore.SecretKeyEntry:

This type of entry holds a cryptographic SecretKey, which is optionally stored in a protected format to prevent unauthorized access.

Constructs a SecretKeyEntry with a SecretKey.

3. KeyStore.TrustedCertificateEntry:

This type of entry contains a single public key Certificate belonging to another party. It is called a trusted certificate because the keystore owner trusts that the public key in the certificate indeed belongs to the identity identified by the subject (owner) of the certificate.

Constructs a TrustedCertificateEntry with a trusted Certificate.


This is an implementation of Sun's proprietary key store algorithm, called "JKS" for "Java Key Store". This implementation was created entirely through reverse-engineering.

The format of JKS files is, from the start of the file:

1. Magic bytes. This is a four-byte integer, in big-endian byte order, equal to 0xFEEDFEED.
2. The version number (probably), as a four-byte integer (all multibyte integral types are in big-endian byte order). The current version number (in modern distributions of the JDK) is 2.
3. The number of entrires in this keystore, as a four-byte integer. Call this value n
4. Then, n times:
    a. The entry type, a four-byte int. The value 1 denotes a private key entry, and 2 denotes a trusted certificate.
    b. The entry's alias, formatted as strings such as those written by DataOutput.writeUTF(String).
    c. An eight-byte integer, representing the entry's creation date, in milliseconds since the epoch.
    Then, if the entry is a private key entry:
        I. The size of the encoded key as a four-byte int, then that number of bytes. The encoded key is the DER encoded bytes of the EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo structure (the encryption algorithm is discussed later).
        II. A four-byte integer, followed by that many encoded certificates, encoded as described in the trusted certificates section.

    Otherwise, the entry is a trusted certificate, which is encoded as the name of the
    encoding algorithm (e.g. X.509), encoded the same way as alias names. Then, a four-byte
    integer representing the size of the encoded certificate, then that many bytes
    representing the encoded certificate (e.g. the DER bytes in the case of X.509).

5. Then, the signature.



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